
SuperCl@rity – search in the depths of Cl@rity program

The Cl@rity Program is a revolutionary application of the Hellenic Public Sector. All citizens are able to access the public documents, laws and official decisions of government agencies, public institutions and independent public authorities from a single website. Nevertheless, despite the great effort put in the Cl@arity Program, there is still room for improvement. Many […]

SuperCl@rity – search in the depths of Cl@rity program Read More »

Linked Universities in the Aristotle University

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (, AUTH) has decided to actively follow the contemporary demands of the (digital) Knowledge Society. In this context, AUTH has recently launched its Semantic Web Unit ( the endeavor of which is to enhance the University’s data value by turning them into public data, as well as, to integrate the

Linked Universities in the Aristotle University Read More »

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